Monday, October 18, 2010

Overcoming Food Addiction - Okay, Now How The Heck Does That Work?

Well, I am a food addict. If you're unfamiliar with this, think of an alcoholic, then substitute foods in general for alcohol and you've got the basic idea. I've been a food addict for at least the last twenty years of my life.
Lately, I've decided that I'd like to overcome this addiction and get my head on straight about food so I can be in better health, have more mental peace, and be ready to have children while I'm still young enough to.
I do believe in God and I believe she/he works to help us by means of prayer, occasional miracles, and really subtle and vague knowledge that is passed to us in many forms. I also love to read and I love books in general.
It came to me that a good, godly-suggested way to deal with my food addiction would be to find a book about overcoming this particular kind of addiction and to apply it to my own life.
So I searched for books on amazon-dot-com in english, with key words "food addiction", and sorted them by publication date.
I got fifty six results and am currently looking through them to find the right one that works for me. I know that I want one that isn't too overtly religious, because I'm not. I want a book that gives me a plan that isn't too strict and that acknowledges that people are different and one thing won't necessarily work for everyone. Finally, I want something that is relatively recent - I am a modern person and I intend to utilize modern resources.
I'll let you readers know how it goes in a further post. Any comments are appreciated.

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